MTE Studios Voice Over Recording Music Studio


At $100/h get your song recorded through the top level industry leading gear. You favorite celebrity’s like Future, Drake, Rick Ross, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Ozuna, Bad Bunny, Annuel AA, Becky G and many others record with.

**$420 for 10 hrs if you would like to spread your hours throughout the month**

  • Universal Audio Apollo x6

  • Universal Audio 610 Pre

  • Tube Tech CL1b Compressor

  • Universal Audio 1176 LN

  • Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor

  • AKG C414 XLII Mic

  • Genelec 8030 C

  • Genelec 7050 C

  • Avatone Mixcube

Cheapest Recording Studio Rental Room In Orlando


For $40/h you have access to rent our studio space and take advantage of our high quality gear.

You may also rent the entire recording and visual studio for $350 and have 40 hours of access within the next 30 days to experience the lifestyle of an artist.

Remote Mixing

2 track mixing is $150 and $250 for stems. All major Credit or Debit cards are accepted. We also allow payments via PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Apple Pay, Zelle, Western Union, etc..

MTE Studios Mixing and Mastering Remote Services WorldWide
MTE Studios, Mixing and Mastering Services

Remote Mastering

Bring your tracks to radio ready & streaming platforms quality for $60.